Tekken 6 ACA Brand game is made by Namco and it was released in 2012. Tekken 6 ACA Brand game is very old it is our childhood game. Tekken 6 ACA Brand game has a very good soundtracks also very Good in Tekken 6 ACA Brand game you will get a lot of graphics and it will make the gameplay look full HD. You will get many features in Tekken 6 ACA Brand game and you can use unlimited coins. You can play Tekken 6 ACA Brand game without any ads. You don't need to buy anything in Tekken 6 ACA Brand game. Tekken 6 ACA Brand game is completely free. Tekken 6 ACA Brand game is very popular. Tekken 6 ACA Brand game is a very interesting game. You will get a lot of information from Tekken 6 ACA Brand game, you will get all the players of Tekken 6 ACA Brand game. The color of Tekken 6 ACA Brand game is very good. There will be no ads and Tekken 6 ACA Brand game will be completely free. you can use Tekken 6 ACA Brand game in any device even if you have an android mobile. Whether you have an iPhone or a PC. The game will run in All devices so even when you are playing the game on your mobile there is no need for anything.
Multiplayer Mode :
If you want to play together with friends, there are two ways to play multiplayer:
1. Local Multiplayer (Bluetooth) Mode :
Challenge your friends via bluetooth multiplayer to who is the true king of fighters.
2. Online Multiplayer Mode :
If you're playing on PC, Arcade Machine and mobile phone you can use this game online challenge your friends.
Basic Attack Controls :
- A button: will Lightly Punch player.
- B button: will Heavily Punch player.
- C button: will Lightly Kick player.
- D button: will Heavily Kick player.
- ABCD button: will Knockd.
- Start button: will Taunt player.
Basic Movement Control :
- up (u) joystick : will make player jump up.
- down (d) joystick : will make player sit down and Knockdown.
- forward (f) joystick : will make player move forward
- back (b) joystick : will make player move back and Knockdown.
- up-forward (uf) joystick : will make player Move diagonally up-forward
- down-back (db) joystick : will make player Move diagonally down-back
- n Joystick : will make player Move neutral (centered)
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